“GRADE CAPITAL” i.e., ATLANTEASE VENTURES INC is an entity incorporated under the Delaware General Corporation Law, having its registered address at 8 The Green A, Dover, DE 19901, United States. The company builds financial technology platforms and provides financial technology services to its clients.

The terms "We", "Our", "Company", “GRADE CAPITAL” or “ATLANTEASE VENTURES INC” and "Us" which term shall include its operators, partners, licensee, successors, subsidiaries and/or affiliates and the terms "User", "You" and "Your" refer to a User of our Online Platforms (Website and/or Mobile Application).

Grade Capital offers baskets of Cryptocurrencies/ Virtual Digital Assets that are curated to track a particular objective or a strategy. The Company provides technology solutions and related back-end infrastructure for trading of Cryptocurrencies/ Virtual Digital Assets.

The returns and ratios presented on the mobile and web applications of the company (referred to as 'the Platform') serve solely as informational aids, assisting investors in making informed decisions. These tools are intended to convey accurate and verifiable return based on past performance information and are not intended as advertising or promotional material.



The Company does not endorse or promote any of empanelled advisor(s) listed on the Platform nor makes any endorsements regarding the recommendations made by any to a User of the Platform. None of the details or advise provided herein should be construed as an offer by the Company to sell, solicit or make an offer to participate in any opportunity or trade. The Company does not provide or offer any business advice, investment advice, tax advice or legal advice to anyone using this Platform.

Users may have the option to create and curate baskets for their own personal investments and share them with a specific group of other users (recipients) to facilitate knowledge exchange among users. It's important to note that user-generated Baskets should not be regarded as investment advice or research reports by users who did not create them, and investments should not be based on these investment baskets.



The information and data found on grade.capital encompassing elements like Grade Capital index value, investment return figures, and Grade Capital rationale, serve purely for informational and illustrative purposes. None of the content on our website or platform, including posts, images, or any percentage returns, should be interpreted as an advertisement, endorsement, solicitation, financial advice, or an offer to sell any products or services, either from the Company or any other third parties or affiliates.

Charts and performance figures displayed on the platform may not incorporate any back-tested data. The data utilized for calculating live returns and other information is sourced from third-party data vendors and has not undergone auditing or validation by the Company. Further, Prices shown on the website or Platform and app may be delayed. As the prices are sourced from an exchange-approved vendor and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the prices.



The information provided on grade.capital is intended to assist investors in their decision-making process and should not be construed as a recommendation or solicitation for any particular investment or investment strategy. Investors bear the responsibility for their investment choices and verifying all information used in their decision-making process. It's important for investors to recognize that their investment decisions should align with their personal investment needs and risk tolerance. The performance data available on grade.capital is one of several factors that should be taken into account when making investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future returns, and the performance of baskets listed on the Platform is inherently subject to market risk.



Engaging in cryptocurrency/ Virtual Digital Asset investment is inherently speculative and carries a significant level of risk, potentially leading to a loss of invested capital. Such investments are appropriate only for experienced investors who are well-versed, fully understand, and willingly accept the high-risk nature of these investments. It is essential that they have thoroughly reviewed all information available on the Platform or requested from an approved advisor. Further, the Company offers no assurance or guarantee that the users of this platform will achieve his/her investment objectives. Accordingly, we are not liable for any financial losses, damages, or consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use of our platform, services, or reliance on the information provided herein.



It is also pertinent to note that the Company is only a technology provider and is not an intermediary. Further, the Company does not assert, assure, or warrant the quality, accuracy, comprehensiveness, performance, or suitability of any alerts, articles, views, videos, information, advice, tools, calculators, analyses, reports, data, content, news, prices, statistics, comments, feedback, advertisements, etc., including opinions and/or views expressed on by an empanelled advisor on this Platform, including, any social forum such as blogs, in FAQ, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube supplied on or through the approved advisors/ other users. Users of the platform are advised to independently make financial or investment decisions based on their discretion, conducting their own research and assessments.



The users of the Platform can be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, hacking, and technological vulnerabilities and loss of funds due to security breaches is possible accordingly users are accountable for securing your Account Information to access the Services and for all activities conducted under your Account. For further information you may visit our terms of use.



It is also imperative to keep in mind that the regulatory landscape concerning cryptocurrencies is currently unclear and subject to change in the jurisdiction that we may operate. Government regulations or legislative actions might significantly impact the market, investment opportunities, and the legal status of cryptocurrencies/ Virtual Digital Assets. The above detailed risks are purely indicative and there may exist risks which are not captured in this Risk Disclosure Statement.